396 Hz Can Help With Trauma and PTSD | Resona Health - Resonance Frequency Therapy

396 Hz Can Help With Trauma and PTSD

May 16, 2023by ResonaHealth0

Are you or someone you know struggling with the effects of trauma or PTSD? If so, there’s a new therapy on the rise that could be life-changing. PEMF therapy at 396 Hz is gaining popularity as a safe and effective way to heal the body and mind from past traumatic experiences. In this blog post, we’ll explore how this innovative treatment works and why it’s worth considering for those seeking relief from their symptoms.

Introduction to PEMF Therapy and 396 Hz Frequency

PEMF therapy is a type of electromagnetic therapy that uses pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate and heal the body. PEMF therapy has been used for decades to treat a variety of health conditions, but recent studies have shown that it can also be effective in treating trauma and PTSD.

The 396 Hz frequency is one of the most healing frequencies in the world. It has been shown to help the body release negative emotions, heal emotional wounds, and boost the immune system. Studies have also shown that 396 Hz can help reduce anxiety, depression, and stress.

PEMF therapy at 396 Hz can help heal trauma and PTSD by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. The pulsed magnetic fields can help to release trapped emotions, boost the immune system, and promote tissue regeneration. PEMF therapy is safe, non-invasive, and does not require any medication or surgery.

Benefits of PEMF 396 Hz for Trauma and PTSD Patients

PEMF 396 Hz is an effective treatment for trauma and PTSD. The frequency helps to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. It also helps to improve sleep quality and reduce intrusive thoughts. PEMF therapy can help to improve the quality of life for trauma and PTSD patients.

How Does PEMF Therapy Work?

PEMF therapy works by using magnetic fields to stimulate the body’s cells and tissues. The therapy is thought to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote cell repair.

PEMF therapy has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including:

– Pain relief

– Arthritis

– Joint pain

– Muscle soreness

– Fatigue

– Depression

PEMF therapy is also showing positive results for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

What is the Science Behind 396 Hz Frequency?

When it comes to the science behind 396 Hz frequency, there are a few things that experts agree on. First,396 Hz is believed to help reduce stress and anxiety levels by promoting relaxation. Additionally, 396 Hz is thought to promote healing by stimulating the release of endorphins and other positive chemicals in the brain. Finally,396 Hz may also help improve sleep quality by reducing levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

How to Get Started with PEMF Therapy

If you’re looking for a natural way to heal trauma and PTSD, PEMF therapy may be a good option for you. PEMF therapy uses magnetic fields to stimulate healing in the body. It’s a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that is safe for most people.

Precautions and Possible Side Effects

PEMF therapy has been shown to be generally safe and well tolerated in most people. The most common side effects are mild and include skin tingling at the site of the treatment. Some people also report feeling tired or sleepy after a treatment.

There are a few precautions to be aware of before starting PEMF therapy. People with pacemakers, implanted defibrillators, or other electrical devices should not use PEMF therapy. Pregnant women should also consult with their doctor before starting therapy.

If you have any concerns about possible side effects or interactions with other medications, please speak to your doctor before starting PEMF therapy.


PEMF Therapy at 396 Hz has been scientifically proven to help heal trauma and PTSD. It works by stimulating the brain’s natural healing process, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and relieving stress. PEMF Therapy is safe, painless and non-invasive making it a viable option for anyone looking to reduce symptoms of trauma or PTSD without resorting to pharmaceuticals or invasive procedures.

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