1st Responders are 3X more likely to have PTSD | Resona Health - Resonance Frequency Therapy

1st Responders are 3X more likely to have PTSD

April 9, 2021by ResonaHealth0

A new study suggest that EMS workers and 1st responders are three times more at risk of mental health problems compared to the general population. Each day EMS workers experience a diverse array of occupational stressors — routine work demands, critical incidents involving serious harm or death, and social conflicts. Exercising, socializing with other people, and finding meaning in a given day’s challenges can help reduce mental health symptoms.

Resonance Frequency Therapy (RFT) for PTSD can help.

Resona Health is on a mission to get an RFT device into the hands of every 1st responder who suffers from PTSD at no cost the them.

The goal of the Hummingbird project is simple, albeit ambitious: get an Apollo PEMF device into the hands of every American hero who suffers from PTSD. Free of charge. Resona Health applies 100% of your donation to the cost of manufacturing and delivering the device to our heroes. Military veterans, police, firefighters, and first responders.

Step and donate for our heroes.

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