Liar, Liar pants on fire. Where is the data?
Dear Facebook haters and skeptics. This is our attempt to answer the questions like: Scam artist, scumbag, liar, Hitler, thief, criminal, vulture, etc. My favorite was the guy in New York that gave me his address and invited me to visit his home, so he could kill me.
This is a summary of what we think we know.
Magnetic therapy has been around for millennia
Lodestones, or natural magnets, have been used for centuries in many different cultures for a variety of purposes. The earliest known use of lodestones was in China around the 4th century BC. These naturally occurring magnets were used to create magnetic compasses that were used for navigation.
Over the next few centuries, lodestones were used by the Greeks, Romans, and Arabs. The Greek philosopher Plato even wrote about the healing powers of lodestones in his dialogue Timaeus. In the 1st century AD, Pliny the Elder wrote about how magnet therapy was used to treat headaches and gout.
More resent history
PEMF therapy has a long and rich history, dating back to the early 1900s. In the early days, PEMF therapy was used primarily for treating pain and injuries. However, it wasn’t until the 1950s that PEMF therapy began to be used for more serious medical conditions.
One of the earliest pioneers in PEMF therapy was Dr. Robert O. Becker. A renowned surgeon and researcher, Dr. Becker was one of the first to discover the healing potential of electrical stimulation. In his groundbreaking book “The Body Electric”, Dr. Becker detailed how he used electrical stimulation to successfully treat a wide variety of injuries and illnesses.
While electrical stimulation had been used for centuries to treat pain, it wasn’t until the work of Dr. Becker that its true healing potential was realized. His work laid the foundation for the development of modern PEMF therapy devices.
Since the early days of PEMF therapy, there have been many advances in technology and numerous clinical studies conducted on its efficacy. Today, PEMF therapy is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions, including pain, inflammation, arthritis, osteoporosis, and even depression and anxiety.
The hearth’s heartbeat
PEMF is all around us and you are engulfed in it. If PEMF was harmful, we would all be dead.
The Schumann resonances are a set of global electromagnetic resonances, named after physicist Winfried Otto Schumann who predicted their existence in 1952. They are caused by lightning strikes in the atmosphere and were first observed experimentally in 1954.
The Schumann resonances occur because the space between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere acts as a waveguide. The base frequency of the resonance is determined by the circumference of the Earth, and subsequent harmonics are spaced at integer multiples of this frequency. The resonant frequencies depend on the size and shape of the Earth, but are typically around 7.83 Hz, 14.3 Hz, and 20.8 Hz
The amplitudes of the Schumann resonances change depending on solar activity and other factors, but they are generally very stable over long periods of time. Because of this stability, they can be used to monitor changes in the Earth’s environment, such as volcanic eruptions or nuclear tests.
NIH Studies
Go to PubMed and search on “PEMF” you will find over 800 published studies
Just Google “NASA PEMF Study” as see all of the research done there
Resona Health References
Please visit our web site for some references
Select Published Papers
On our web site we have selected 30 different published papers on PEMF therapy
Dr. Pawluk References
Dr. Pawluck has a nice summary of studies as well
European Studies
This book is a collection of many clinical trials on PEMF in Europe and is available on Amazon. Click on the image to take you there.
Resona Health PTSD Study
Resona Health conducted its own PTSD clinical trial and initially demonstrated a 92% success rate. The study is ongoing and currently at 95% success rate.
VIBE Protocols
Where did the VIBE protocols come from? Think of the frequencies pairs as ingredients and the protocols as recipes. The protocols are a symphony of frequency pairs that change every 1-4 minutes on average.
The recipes were developed over 35 years from 8000 practicing chiropractors, physical therapists, and doctors. With all that data, you would hope they would have published thousands of papers, but that is not what “practicing” physicians do. They treat patients – they don’t generally publish papers. It is estimated that the community has seen over 1 million patients who have received this energy therapy.
Scam Artists
I am always amazed at how many people are certain this is all a scam. How is Resona Health a scam when we have a money back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you? Not a single person has not been fully refunded if they didn’t get the results they were hoping for. It is important to note that our return rate is less than 3%, so we must be doing something right
One Last Thought
Here is a partial list of Medical and Scientific ideas that were impossible and deemed Pure Fu%$#@! Magic (PFM)
Until – they weren’t.
Every pioneer involved in the development and research of these fields was considered a quack, until after they were long dead – at best.
- Penicillin (1928) – Alexander Fleming’s discovery of the antibiotic properties of penicillin revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections.
- Vaccination (1796) – Edward Jenner’s development of the smallpox vaccine laid the foundation for modern immunization.
- X-rays (1895) – Wilhelm Roentgen’s discovery of X-rays enabled non-invasive imaging of internal structures, revolutionizing diagnostics.
- Antibiotics (1930s-1940s) – The development of various antibiotics, including penicillin, streptomycin, and others, transformed infectious disease treatment.
- DNA Structure (1953) – James Watson and Francis Crick’s elucidation of the double helix structure of DNA laid the groundwork for understanding genetics.
- Anesthesia (19th century) – The discovery and development of anesthesia revolutionized surgery by making procedures painless.
- Germ Theory (19th century) – Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch’s work on germ theory established the link between microorganisms and diseases.
- Organ Transplantation (20th century) – Advancements in transplant surgery, including kidney, heart, and liver transplants, have saved countless lives.
- Insulin (1922) – The discovery of insulin by Frederick Banting and Charles Best revolutionized the treatment of diabetes.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (1970s) – The development of MRI technology provided detailed images of soft tissues without ionizing radiation.
- Computed Tomography (CT) (1972) – Sir Godfrey Hounsfield’s invention of the CT scanner allowed for three-dimensional imaging of the body.
- Human Genome Project (2003) – The completion of the Human Genome Project provided a map of the entire human genome, advancing genetic research.
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) (1983) – Kary Mullis’ development of PCR allowed for the amplification of DNA, revolutionizing molecular biology and diagnostics.
- Antiretroviral Therapy (1990s) – The development of effective drugs for treating HIV/AIDS has transformed the prognosis for individuals with the disease.
- CRISPR-Cas9 (2012) – The revolutionary gene-editing tool CRISPR-Cas9 allows precise modification of DNA sequences.
- Proton Pump Inhibitors (1980s) – Medications like omeprazole revolutionized the treatment of gastric acid-related conditions.
- Positron Emission Tomography (PET) (1970s) – PET imaging enables the visualization of metabolic processes in the body.
- Ultrasound Imaging (1950s) – The development of ultrasound technology has become a widely used diagnostic tool in obstetrics and other fields.
- Electron Microscope (1931) – The electron microscope allowed for higher magnification and resolution, advancing our understanding of cellular structures.
- Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) (20th century) – MRS provides insights into chemical composition in tissues and is used in medical research.
- Hormone Replacement Therapy (20th century) – Hormone therapies have been crucial in managing various conditions, including menopause symptoms.
- Deep Brain Stimulation (1990s) – This technique involves the use of implanted electrodes to treat neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease.
- Angiography (1927) – The development of angiography allowed visualization of blood vessels, aiding in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.
- Vaccination for Polio (1955) – The development of the polio vaccine, particularly the oral polio vaccine, helped control and nearly eradicate the disease.
- Mammography (1969) – Mammograms are crucial for early detection of breast cancer in women.
- Heliobacter pylori and Peptic Ulcer Connection (1982) – Barry Marshall and Robin Warren’s discovery of H. pylori’s role in peptic ulcers changed treatment approaches.
- Cardiac Catheterization (1929) – André Cournand and Dickinson Richards’ work in cardiac catheterization significantly advanced cardiology.
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine (2006) – The HPV vaccine helps prevent cervical and other cancers caused by certain strains of the virus.
- Prostaglandins (20th century) – Understanding and manipulating prostaglandins have led to the development of drugs for various conditions.
- Hemodialysis (1940s) – Development of hemodialysis has been critical for patients with kidney failure.
- Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) (1938) – ECT is a treatment for severe mental illnesses, particularly when other treatments are ineffective.
- Statins (1980s) – Statins have revolutionized the management of cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases.
- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) (1978) – The birth of Louise Brown marked the success of IVF, opening new possibilities for infertility treatment.
- Bone Marrow Transplantation (1968) – Advances in bone marrow transplantation have been crucial for treating certain cancers and blood disorders.
- Corticosteroids (20th century) – These anti-inflammatory drugs are widely used to treat various conditions.
- Cochlear Implant (1961) – Cochlear implants provide a sense of hearing for individuals with severe hearing impairment.
- Artificial Heart (1982) – The first successful artificial heart implantation was a significant advancement in cardiac surgery.
- Gene Therapy (1990s) – Gene therapy aims to treat or cure genetic disorders by introducing, removing, or modifying genetic material.
- RNA Interference (RNAi) (1998) – The discovery of RNAi has opened new avenues for understanding gene function and potential therapeutic applications.
- Anti-rejection Medications (20th century) – Immunosuppressive drugs are crucial for preventing organ rejection after transplantation.
- Monoclonal Antibodies (1975) – Monoclonal antibodies have revolutionized cancer treatment and are used in various therapeutic areas.
- Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography (PET-CT) (2000) – Combining PET and CT imaging provides comprehensive information for diagnosis and treatment planning.
- Thrombolytic Therapy (1958) – The development of thrombolytic drugs has been instrumental in treating blood clots and preventing heart attacks.
- Barbiturates (1903) – Barbiturates were among the first drugs used for anesthesia and continue to have various medical applications.
- Beta-blockers (1960s) – Beta-blockers are widely used in cardiology and other fields for managing conditions like hypertension.
- Digital Subtraction Angiography (1972) – DSA enhances the visualization of blood vessels by subtracting images before and after contrast injection.
- Pharmacogenomics (21st century) – Studying how genetic variations influence drug responses is essential for personalized medicine.
- Imatinib (2001) – Imatinib revolutionized the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia and is a landmark in targeted cancer therapies.
- Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (2006) –
- Heliocentric Model (16th century) – Nicolaus Copernicus proposed that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
- Law of Gravity (1687) – Sir Isaac Newton formulated the law of universal gravitation.
- Laws of Motion (17th century) – Newton’s three laws of motion laid the foundation for classical mechanics.
- Microorganisms and Germ Theory (19th century) – Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch established the connection between microbes and diseases.
- Evolution by Natural Selection (1859) – Charles Darwin’s theory explained the mechanism behind the diversity of life.
- Electromagnetic Induction (1831) – Michael Faraday’s discovery laid the groundwork for electric power generation.
- Quantum Mechanics (20th century) – Max Planck and others developed the theory to explain the behavior of subatomic particles.
- Periodic Table (1869) – Dmitri Mendeleev organized the elements into the periodic table based on their properties.
- Special and General Theory of Relativity (1905, 1915) – Albert Einstein’s groundbreaking theories transformed our understanding of space, time, and gravity.
- Double Helix Structure of DNA (1953) – James Watson and Francis Crick described the structure of DNA, the genetic code of life.
- Laws of Thermodynamics (19th century) – These laws govern energy transfer and are fundamental to understanding physical processes.
- Theory of Plate Tectonics (20th century) – The idea that Earth’s lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates explained continental drift and seismic activity.
- Atomic Theory (19th century) – John Dalton’s atomic theory provided a framework for understanding chemical reactions.
- Electromagnetic Waves (1865) – James Clerk Maxwell unified electricity and magnetism, predicting the existence of electromagnetic waves.
- Penicillin (1928) – Alexander Fleming’s discovery of the antibiotic properties of penicillin revolutionized medicine.
- X-rays (1895) – Wilhelm Roentgen’s discovery of X-rays allowed imaging of internal structures without surgery.
- Doppler Effect (1842) – Christian Doppler described the change in frequency or wavelength in relation to a moving source.
- Photoelectric Effect (1905) – Albert Einstein explained the emission of electrons from a material when exposed to light.
- Principles of Heredity (1865) – Gregor Mendel’s work laid the foundation for the science of genetics.
- Big Bang Theory (20th century) – The theory describes the origin and evolution of the universe.
- Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) (20th century) – Richard Feynman and others developed QED, describing the behavior of light and matter.
- Fluid Dynamics (18th century) – Daniel Bernoulli and others contributed to the understanding of fluid flow.
- Superposition of Waves (1801) – Thomas Young’s double-slit experiment demonstrated the wave-particle duality of light.
- Human Genome Project (2003) – The completion of the Human Genome Project mapped the entire human genome.
- Radioactivity (1896) – Henri Becquerel and Marie Curie discovered the phenomenon of radioactive decay.
- Special Relativity (1905) – Albert Einstein’s theory relates space and time for objects moving at constant velocity.
- Chlorination of Water (1908) – Disinfecting water with chlorine reduced waterborne diseases.
- Superconductivity (20th century) – The discovery of materials that lose all electrical resistance at low temperatures.
- Chaos Theory (20th century) – Exploring deterministic chaos in nonlinear systems.
- Quarks (1964) – Murray Gell-Mann proposed the existence of elementary particles that make up protons and neutrons.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (1970s) – Development of non-invasive imaging using magnetic fields.
- Cellular Structure (17th century) – Robert Hooke’s observations of cells laid the foundation for cell biology.
- Ozone Layer Depletion (1980s) – The discovery led to international efforts to reduce ozone-depleting substances.
- Brownian Motion (1827) – Albert Einstein explained the random motion of particles in a fluid.
- Nuclear Fission (1938) – Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann’s discovery paved the way for nuclear power.
- The Dopamine Hypothesis (20th century) – Linking dopamine to various neurological and psychiatric disorders.
- Gas Laws (17th-18th century) – Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro contributed to understanding gas behavior.
- Electron Configuration (20th century) – Describing the distribution of electrons in atoms.
- Catalysis (19th-20th century) – Understanding catalysts and their role in chemical reactions.
- Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (1965) – Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered evidence supporting the Big Bang theory.
- Quantum Entanglement (20th century) – Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen discussed the phenomenon.
- Dopaminergic Pathways in the Brain (20th century) – Crucial for understanding neurological disorders and drug development.
- Green Revolution (20th century) – Agricultural innovations to increase global food production.
- Antimatter (1932) – Carl Anderson discovered positrons, antimatter particles.
- Carbon Dating (1949) – Willard Libby developed radiocarbon dating for determining the age of organic materials.
- Population Genetics (20th century) – Contributions to understanding genetic variation within populations.
- Laser (1958) – The development of the laser has diverse applications in science and technology.
- Endosymbiotic Theory (20th century) – Lynn Margulis proposed that certain organelles originated as independent organisms.
- Graphene (2004) – The discovery of graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms, opened up new possibilities in materials science.
- Metalloids (19th-20th century) – Identifying elements with properties between metals and nonmetals.
Trisha Sisk
May 6, 2024 at 8:59 am
I definitely believe in the science and have used PEMF mats for a back issue. However, my budget doesn’t allow the thousands of dollars it requires to purchase one, so I kept looking and I found you and already ordered mine. I would love to see more studies using your device (besides the PTSD).
Mary Billings
January 14, 2025 at 7:36 pm
The Vibe was recommended to me as a great way to maintain and improve my health. About 3 weeks ago I bought the 2 pack and today I ordered an additional 2 pack because we use them so much…and I wanted to give one to my parents!
Some of the programs I have tried so far are: general inflammation, brain balancing, insulin resistance, tinnitus, liver, kidney, heart, common cold, love (for water too), and sleep. I think I sleep deeper and I feel my brain is more balanced….how do I know this?….well, for many years my right eye has twitched. Several years ago after seeing a cranial specialist sometimes my right eye would twitch after my treatment and I felt more “alert”. After running the brain balancing protocol, just once, now my right and left eyes twitch occasionally and I feel more alert.
I shared one of out Vibes with a friend who has been going through something hard. I recommended she try the PTSD protocol. She did and she felt like the “noise and worry” she was feeling were still there, but it was much quieter and more in the “background” instead of being almost overwhelming. She was very thankful she got to use it.