Resonance Frequency Therapy
Resona Health is conducting an at home 30 – day clinical trial to test the effects of Resonance Frequency Therapy™ (RFT) for relief for people with back pain caused by injury to a muscle (strain) or ligament (sprain) or just from normal aging. Common causes include improper lifting, poor posture, lack of regular exercise, fracture, ruptured disk, or arthritis. This will be a 4 – week study starting in Q4 of 2021.
Frequency therapies have been around for decades with many successful outcomes. They are safe and effective with little or no known side effects. There are many references and publications on Resona.Health related to this technology. You can download the free eBook Resonance Frequency Therapy for Back Pain to learn more about the technology.
To date, these therapies have been conducted in clinical settings with expensive equipment – as much as $10,000 + per system. Doctor visits are time consuming and expensive. A low-cost consumer device has now been developed to demonstrate similar results can be achieved with this home system. We are looking for 25 volunteers to work with us to perform this study.
The frequency protocols are delivered with a PEMF device (small magnet pulse device) that is driven by a cell phone or tablet via a Bluetooth connection or an internal Micro SD card.
The frequencies are extremely low energy and cannot be felt by most people. The participant simply places the device at the small of the back while sitting or place the lanyard over the chair back. The back pain session is 1:02 minutes. The PEMF device is small, about 4 in X 2.5 in and is only 2 ounces in weight. Participants run the therapy protocol a minimum of 3-4 times a week for 30 days. Here is a quick overview on how to use the device.
Participants will be required to:
- Fill out a on-line survey at the beginning and end of the project.
- Agree to a “Hold Harmless” agreement
- Participate in a 20-minute Zoom exit interview
There are no chemicals or drugs involved in this study.
There is no cost to participate and you are free to keep the device at the conclusion of the study. No names will be used in the study, but the video zoom recording may be used for marketing purposes.
If you or interested in participating, please fill out the on-line survey and a Pulsar XO device with detailed instructions will be mailed to you immediately free of charge.
If you have any questions about this study, feel free to contact us.
Thank You.
Resona Health