Post Recovery Workpout | Resona Health - Resonance Frequency Therapy

Post Recovery Workpout

August 26, 2024by ResonaHealth0

Brain Wave Beta

For post-workout recovery, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy frequencies typically range between 5 Hz and 30 Hz. Frequencies in this range are considered effective for promoting muscle relaxation, reducing inflammation, and enhancing tissue repair.

  • 5-10 Hz: This lower frequency range is often used for reducing inflammation and pain, as well as promoting relaxation and calming effects on the body.
  • 10-30 Hz: This slightly higher range is more stimulating and can help with tissue repair, increasing circulation, and speeding up recovery.

For general post-workout recovery, a frequency around 10-20 Hz is commonly recommended as it balances both calming and regenerative effects. However, the best frequency can vary depending on individual needs, the type of workout, and specific recovery goals.


Based on this information we recommend Brain Wave Beta.

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