Comparing Resona Health VIBE PEMF to Magna Wave PEMF for Horses: Why Smaller Can Be Superior | Resona Health - Resonance Frequency Therapy

Comparing Resona Health VIBE PEMF to Magna Wave PEMF for Horses: Why Smaller Can Be Superior

August 12, 2024by ResonaHealth0

Comparing Resona Health VIBE PEMF to Magna Wave PEMF for Horses: Why Smaller Can Be Superior

When it comes to equine PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy, two names often come up in the conversation: the Resona Health VIBE PEMF and Magna Wave PEMF devices. Both are designed to promote health, healing, and overall wellness in horses by utilizing electromagnetic fields. However, while both devices have their merits, the Resona Health VIBE PEMF stands out in several key areas. In this post, we’ll dive into the technical specifications of each device, discuss why large magnetic fields aren’t necessary for effective PEMF therapy, and explain why the VIBE is a superior choice for many equine professionals.

Technical Specifications

Resona Health VIBE PEMF

  • Frequency Range: 1-1000 Hz
  • Magnetic Field Intensity: Adjustable up to 9 Gauss
  • Waveform: Ramped Squarewave Waveform
  • Portability: Highly portable, battery-operated
  • Weight: Lightweight, less than 0.17 lbs
  • Ease of Use: Simple interface with preset programs
  • Cost: More affordable compared to competitors $399

Magna Wave PEMF

  • Frequency Range: 1-50 Hz
  • Magnetic Field Intensity: Adjustable up to 50 Gauss
  • Waveform: Sine wave
  • Portability: Portable, but generally requires an electrical outlet
  • Weight: Typically heavier, around 30 pounds
  • Ease of Use: Moderately easy to use, with adjustable settings
  • Cost: Much Higher price point $7000 – $20,000

Why Bigger Isn’t Always Better

A common misconception in PEMF therapy is that larger magnetic fields equate to better results. However, clinical studies have shown that the effectiveness of PEMF therapy is not necessarily tied to the strength of the magnetic field. In fact, smaller, more targeted magnetic fields can be equally, if not more, effective in promoting healing and wellness.

For instance, a study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research found that low-intensity PEMF was effective in accelerating bone healing in animal models, even when compared to high-intensity PEMF. Similarly, research from the Bioelectromagnetics Society has demonstrated that low-frequency, low-intensity PEMF can effectively reduce inflammation and promote tissue regeneration without the need for high magnetic fields.

The Resona Health VIBE PEMF leverages this principle by offering a lower magnetic field intensity that is adjustable and versatile, allowing for targeted therapy without overwhelming the animal’s system. In contrast, Magna Wave’s higher magnetic field intensity might seem appealing but could potentially lead to overstimulation, which isn’t necessary for achieving positive outcomes.

Cost, Portability, and Ease of Use

When it comes to practicality, the Resona Health VIBE PEMF outshines Magna Wave in several key areas:

  1. Cost: The VIBE PEMF is significantly more affordable, making it accessible for a wider range of equine professionals and horse owners. This cost-effectiveness does not come at the expense of quality or effectiveness, as evidenced by its clinical backing and positive user feedback.
  2. Portability: Weighing less than a 1/6 of a pound, the VIBE PEMF is incredibly lightweight and can be easily transported anywhere. This is a stark contrast to Magna Wave, which, while portable, is much heavier and often requires access to an electrical outlet, limiting its use in field settings.
  3. Ease of Use: The VIBE’s user-friendly interface, complete with preset programs, makes it simple for anyone to use, whether you’re an experienced therapist or a first-time user. Magna Wave, while also straightforward, has more complex settings that may require a steeper learning curve.


Both the Resona Health VIBE PEMF and Magna Wave PEMF are solid choices for equine PEMF therapy, but when it comes down to cost, portability, ease of use, and the effectiveness of therapy, the VIBE PEMF has a distinct edge. The notion that “bigger is better” doesn’t hold true in the realm of PEMF therapy, as smaller, more controlled magnetic fields have been clinically shown to be just as effective, if not more so, in promoting healing and wellness in horses.

For equine professionals and horse owners looking for a device that delivers results without the bulk, expense, or complexity, the Resona Health VIBE PEMF is the superior choice.


  1. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. “Low-intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Accelerate Bone Healing in Animal Models.”
  2. Bioelectromagnetics Society. “Effectiveness of Low-Frequency, Low-Intensity Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields in Reducing Inflammation and Promoting Tissue Regeneration.”

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